Performance Interaction Collaboration


PIC Fair 2016

With great and generous support from The City of Melbourne and Australia Council, The OK Collective is delighted to bring you PIC – Performance, Interaction & Collaboration – A one day, one off event that showcases some of the best artists working in fields that don’t necessarily sit well within gallery contexts and whose work is activated by the participant.

Artists involved with PIC on Saturday the 15th of October:

Veronica Caven Aldous
Mitchel Brannan
Maggie Brown
Andrew Goodman & Lone Bertelsen
Tess Healy
Gabrielle Leah New with Lauren Cruickshank

Mira Oosterweghel
Candida Powell Williams
Andrew Rewald
Michelle Sakaris
Tania Smith

Added entertainment and interactive opportunities provided by Hayley Hoopla and her Hoop Troupe
as well as the presence of the infamous Suburban Therapy art cart and repeat version of Play’s the Thing!

Come along to experience a range of Australian and International artists’ work that allows you interact, view, participate and revel.